Cancelling Workshop Download.. Too Slow.. Maybe Stuck? Try Again Later.

  1. howdy people how is information technology going ?
    i have a serious problem with my gmod in past month
    in the terminal calendar month my windows crashed and i should install a new one (this windows that iam using and its nevertheless win 8) i have been in deep hot h2o with this gmod thing :| when i luanched steam and recovered my library gmod starts downloading workshop stuff for unlimited and unknown time for and unlimited/unknown fourth dimension i let information technology download for three days ! just information technology was still downloading (the blue lins doesnt appear there is merely a apartment green line going )
    i dunno whats the resson merely in privious times it got fixed past it own or somethin that i totally dont know .
    so today i launched gmod and open the develope panel system to understand what is going on ?!! and i run into this i cant sympathise what are these but when i was checking some of the ruby lines i remmber i have deleted them(unsibscribed)

    Adding Filesystem Addon 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons\csstextures'
    Addon contain game scripts?! Lowering mount priority.
    Addon comprise game scripts?! Lowering mount priority. (2)
    Initializing Awesomium..
    Failed to load custom font file 'd:\steam\steamapps\common\garrysmod\garrysmod\download\resource\fonts\clearsans-medium.ttf'
    No Kinect SDK
    Unknown control "SWAP_TEAMS_EVERY_ROUND"
    Unknown command "HUNTER_KILL_BONUS"
    Unknown command "HUNTER_FIRE_PENALTY"
    Unknown command "cnr_jailmaxdist"
    Unknown command "cnr_jailmindist"
    Unknown control "cnr_wardenafk"
    Unknown control "cnr_copextraspeed"
    Unknown control "cnr_preptime"
    Unknown command "cnr_crowdamage"
    Unknown command "cnr_smokedelay"
    Unknown control "cnr_speedmultiplier"
    Unknown control "cnr_postroundtime"
    Unknown command "cnr_armedrunners"
    Unknown command "cnr_timelimit"
    Unknown command "cnr_coppercentage"
    Unknown control "cnr_instafree"
    Legacy addon update bachelor! [TnB Stalker SWEPs] (U.s.a.:(1494295086) != THEM:(1506198977)
    '[CW 2.0] RPG-7' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Dupe, Demo or Salvage tag!
    Couldn't retrieve ISteamUGC install info for 548641314!
    'The South² Rivet Gun' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Dupe, Demo or Salvage tag!
    'The EMSSS-12' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Gull, Demo or Save tag!
    'The G-21 C "Blackfox"' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Gull, Demo or Save tag!
    'CS one.6 SWEP PACK' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Gull, Demo or Save tag!
    'Unofficial Extra Customizable Weaponry 2.0' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Dupe, Demo or Salvage tag!
    'WAC Community 3' is missing Addon, ServerContent, Dupe, Demo or Salvage tag!
    Detecting unused .gma files...
    Found unused .gma addon: advanced_particle_controller_242776816.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: battlefield_2_voip_fx_147522195.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: battlefield_3_style_russian_playermodels_205289825.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: bf3_oakey_gloves_for_css_hands_187690025.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: bf3_oakley_gloves_156762774.gma
    Establish unused .gma addon: blood_and_gore_overhaul_3_420236593.gma
    Plant unused .gma addon: btf3_usa_engineer_gloves_498062815.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: call_of_duty_-_gun_game_765807753.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: clockwork_hl2_rp_content_108727894.gma
    Plant unused .gma addon: devil_may_cry_4_-_blue_rose_181210821.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: doom_3_sweps_210267782.gma
    Constitute unused .gma addon: fandomrp_-_ammo_system_854490383.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: fandomrp_-_weapon_pack_1_860849805.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: filzos_reviving_mod_609567300.gma
    Plant unused .gma addon: freemans_facepunch_pack_157450041.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: freemans_model_a_day_pack_105517405.gma
    Constitute unused .gma addon: freemans_old_&_new_pack_760089994.gma
    Constitute unused .gma addon: garnet_gaming_desert_781832992.gma
    Constitute unused .gma addon: gears_of_war_weapon_models_113375878.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: gm_emp_bush_613041835.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: gm_parasite_107673458.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: gphone_251989385.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: hometown_1999_107455292.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: minecraft_swep_116592647.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: morph_mod_106427033.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: neurotanks_artillery_ww2_pack_564059345.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: nuclear_winter_2_278185854.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: ph_wasteland_184568395.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: police_baton_swep_(spring)_158882496.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: prone_mod_-_wos_version_775573383.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: robotniks_tfa_sweps_pack_#34_717799909.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: roleplay_model_pack_105770252.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: rp_pripyat_fixed_276686583.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: show_weapons_-_realistic_hats__backpacks__&_more__758951558.gma
    Establish unused .gma addon: skyrim_dragon_shouts_104637365.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: smod_kick_fixed_148358389.gma
    Plant unused .gma addon: snooker_796841821.gma
    Constitute unused .gma addon: spookville_351205946.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: tfa_e.y.e_divine_cybermancy_491266286.gma
    Establish unused .gma addon: tflippys_ttt_legacy_weapon_pack_286533896.gma
    Institute unused .gma addon: ttt_edgeofworld_final_862765797.gma
    Establish unused .gma addon: ttt_highnoon_a6_419785989.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: unreal_tournament_sweps_189453748.gma
    Institute unused .gma addon: wii_u_891130199.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: zs_clav_segments_v2_172051449.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: [tfa]_combine_mini-pack_738639776.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: [tfa]_no_more_room_in_hell_unique_sweps_582526207.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: [wac]_combine_helicopter_730149273.gma
    Constitute unused .gma addon: [wos]_animation_extension_-_base_757604550.gma
    Found unused .gma addon: [wos]_animation_extension_-_prone_mod_918084741.gma
    Finished! Run menu_cleanupgmas to make clean upwards said files
    Addons accept changes - remounting
    Transferred 83.0 KB (85000) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too wearisome.. maybe stuck? Try once more later.
    END: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too irksome.. perchance stuck? Endeavor again later.
    Cease: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    END: DownloadAddons
    Finish: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too slow.. peradventure stuck? Try again later.
    Terminate: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too tedious.. maybe stuck? Try over again later.
    END: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. also tedious.. maybe stuck? Try again afterward.
    End: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too wearisome.. maybe stuck? Try again later.
    END: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too slow.. perchance stuck? Endeavor again afterward.
    Stop: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 3.6 MB (3726933) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too tedious.. maybe stuck? Try again afterward.
    END: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in ten seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in x seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Cancelling workshop download.. too dull.. maybe stuck? Try again afterward.
    END: DownloadAddons
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds
    Transferred 0 B (0) in 10 seconds

    and after spending 5 mins the transffered 0 b in 10 seconds bear witness upward.

    any ideas ??????

    • Friendly Friendly 10 one
  2. Okay first of all have you tried this solution? https://back Information technology kinda resets everything in the whole downloading area and idk if information technology'll assistance simply doesn't hurt to endeavour.
    • Like Similar x one
  3. i did information technology in past but cipher happen information technology came back again :|
  4. Might I suggest, unsubbing fully from unused addins. Even the quondam ones that you no longer use.

    As well, try manually clearing the workshop downloads folder out of the Gmod folder (if any). The to a higher place method volition too work with clearing the DL Cache.

    • Like Like x 1
  5. good signal i'll requite you lot the results
  6. i have noticed something very strange that some of those addon are unsubscribed there are still in my addon folder and some of them (less than 25%) are subscribed :|
    can this thing be the problem ?
  7. Aye. They tend to non uninstall fully. Hence the manual deletion.
  8. how can i find the download from the servers ? is in that location and espesefic folder for them ?
  9. the stuff are removed Just :| it is withal going on :| wtf man ? :|
  10. Homo I wish I could help more but all I tin think of atm is reinstall the whole game.
  11. I'yard going to assume you've done a reinstall of Gmod fully?

    EDIT: It'southward mainly to clear the enshroud fully.

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2017
    • Disagree Disagree 10 1
  12. nop
    nothing was uninstalled i but changed my windows
    and istalled steam and browsed my library and this matter happend
  13. Hm hard to say. I'd probably just suggest a reinstall.
    I'm currently running Windows 8 and it's been working fine.

    Aside from that, I'm out of ideas. This rarely happens if at all, never for me.

  14. ty human permit me examination it merely i remember this is not going to answer too but whatsoever way thank you for giving your time human being :)
  15. So don't just uninstall. Similar literrally delete all gmod files on your pc. (i propose you save the files somewhere else just incase you demand them) and then "uninstall" and completely download it again. Worked for me when i had some kind of a trouble
  16. my thought is to backup gmod and put addons somewhere else delet if from command pannel and go to steam lbiarary and delet gmod binder adfter that restore gmod and put the mods back and test wish me luck .
    • Winner Winner x ane
  17. that is a actually serious gmod trouble
  18. delete gmod binder on ur pc
    reinstall it works everytime.
    • Old Old x 1
  19. Did y'all endeavor turning it on and off?


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